Domains, Misc

Getting A Degree (Domain for sale:

Getting a degree There are over 28,000 recognized universities all over the world. The United States alone has over 4000 of them. You want to get a degree but how do you find the right fit with so many choices and options? Most importantly how do you get accepted into one of these institutions?

Beer, Domains

Beer Toast (Beer Domain for Sale)

The domain name ( is for sale. To acquire more information and make an offer to buy this domain contact me directly at A toast is a ritual in which a drink is taken as an expression of honor or goodwill. The term may be applied to the person or thing so hon

Beer, Bees & Honey, Domains

Honey Malt ( Domain for Sale)

Honey Malt - A specialty type of beer Honey malt... what combination this is! This domain ( is for sale. To acquire more information and make an offer to buy this domain contact me directly at It's the perfect name to market your specialty beer. It is an

Bees & Honey, Domains

Honey Dumplings ( Domain for Sale)

Λουκουμάδες (loo-koo-ma-des)- Honey Dumplings aka Greek Donuts Lokma (Turkish), loukoumádes (Greek: λουκουμάδες) The famous Greek sweet, which is basically balls of dough that are deep fried until golden then drizzled with honey and sprinkled with cinnamon. These delicious mouthfuls are impossib

Bees & Honey, Domains

Honey Pole ( Domain for Sale)

This domain is for sale. Honey or Pole Dancing? Why not both! If you are a Honey business or Pole Dancing business (or both) this domain is the perfect fit for you. To acquire more information and make an offer to buy this domain contact me directly at This domain can b

Bees & Honey, Domains

Track a bee ( Domain for Sale)

Bees of all types - there are hundreds of them - play a huge role in the life of the countryside and a third of what we eat is reliant on bee pollination. Studying the behavior of these complex insects is crucial to finding out what is happening but it is also a big challenge. How? A tiny ante

Domains, Technology

Domain: High Efficiency Solar Panels (dot COM)

Solar is now the cheapest and most abundant energy source in the world. Domain names for this landscape are hard to come by. Here is some data below that demonstrates the importance of this topic and why this domain although a bit long (four keywords) is easy to remember and covers a search term qui